Corrosion Design of corrosion management systemsPipelinesRigsStorage tanksConcentrated works Previous Next Audit and assessment of the performance of corrosion protection systemsExpertiseDiagnosticTechnical AssistanceAssessment of the aggressivity of soils and other electrolytes Management and/or Monitoring of corrosion protection systems Selection and assessment of the efficiency of corrosion inhibitors Corrosion nucleation & growth measurement (DC and impedance techniques) Appropriate inhibitor selection Inhibitor concentration determination Identification of active corrosion mechanisms and recommendation of mitigating actions Address Cité les Vergres Bt 4 N°4 Bir Mourad Rais 16330Alger Algérie Contact Tel. 213 (023) 55 09 47 Fax. 213 (023) 55 09 47 Partners